Integration Documentation

v4.1.0 Latest

This is not the latest version


How does it work?

The integration is done by creating a new instance of the "Instabox3D" class, passing an object with some configuration parameters. The configurator will appear in an iframe, depending on these parameters, as a pop-up window or within an existing HTML element on the web page.

Include the script

The integration requires the inclusion of the following script (as shown below) near the end of your HTML pages.

 <script src=""></script>


To create the instance of the "Instabox3D" class we write the following code:

 <script>  // Create the instance  const instabox = new Instabox3D({   // we will include the parameters here  }); </script>


The parameters establish which product is going to be displayed and the appearance of the configurator.

There are 3 types of parameters:

  • Required parameters: They are necessary to open the configurator.
  • Optional parameters: Define how the configurator will be displayed.
  • Event parameters: Define events to perform actions when something happens within the configurator

These parameters can be passed at instantiation time

 const instabox = new Instabox3D({  // parameters }); 

and also in the open method.{  // parameters }); 

Static parameters such as the client and optional or event parameters are usually defined at the time of instantiation. The productRef and the boxParams are usually defined in the open method.

In the open method it is also possible to modify or overwrite a previously defined parameter.

Required Parameters

client: String

The first parameter that we will see refers to the name of the client.

The value should be the subdomain name of your Instabox 3D

If your Instabox 3D URL is "", the value of this parameter will be "my-company".

It is usually the name of the company, in lowercase and replacing the spaces with hyphens if there are any.

productRef: String

In order for the configurator to show the desired product, it is necessary to specify the product reference.

The reference of each product is the one specified in the briefing during the setup phase of the configurator.

This parameter can be specified:

  • At the time of instantiation. In which case the configurator will open showing the specified product.
  • In the execution of the open method (explained in the methods section). In which case the configurator will not open until the moment of its execution.

Optional Parameters

modal: Boolean = true

As we said earlier in the introduction, the configurator can appear as a pop-up window or within an HTML element of the web page.

To control this behavior, the modal parameter is defined (by default true).

modalWidth: String = "100vw"

By default, the configurator appears in full screen, because the default value of modalWidth is "100vw".

It would be enough to assign in a text string (following the CSS syntax) the desired value to change the width.

This parameter only has an effect when the modal parameter is true

modalHeight : String = "100vh"

Similar to modalWidth, controls the height of the popup with a default value of "100vh".

Again, it would be enough to assign in a text string (following the CSS syntax) the desired value to change the height.

This parameter only has an effect when the modal parameter is true

containerId: String

Defines the id of the HTML element that will be the container for the configurator.

This parameter only has an effect when the modal parameter is false

iframeWidth : String = "100%"

Once we have defined the id of the container element, we can define the size of the configurator relative to it.

By default the value is "100%" so it will cover the full width of the parent element.

It would be enough to assign in a text string (following CSS syntax) the desired value to change the width relative to the container element.

This parameter only has an effect when the modal parameter is false

iframeHeight : String = "600px"

Similar to iframeWidth, iframeHeight controls the height of the configurator relative to the container element.

By default the value is "600px" so it will be 600 pixels high.

It would be enough to assign in a text string (following CSS syntax) the desired value to change the height relative to the container element.

One of the most common cases is to adjust the height of the iframe according to the height of the parent element. This can be done as follows:

  • iframeHeight: "auto" is defined.
  • display: flex is added to the style of the container element.

This parameter only has an effect when the modal parameter is false

boxParams: Object

The boxParams parameter (Object type) is in charge of collecting the default variable values of the box, setting the variable reference as key and the desired number or option reference as value.

The variable and option references will be those specified in the briefing during the setup phase of the configurator.

If the box had the following variables defined:

  • length: length in mm
  • breadth: width in mm
  • height: height in mm
  • color: cardboard color on each side ["raw-raw", "white-raw", "white-white"]
  • flute: cardboard thickness ["E", "P", "B", "C", "EB", "BC"]

We could pass the boxParams parameter with the following object

 {  length: 320,  breadth: 240,  height: 160,  color: "white-raw",  flute: "B" } 

to assign default values to the parametric boxes variables. For example to make the box appear with certain dimensions or material.

Another very common case are fixed boxes created from parametric models. A single parametric box is created (with the variables hidden from the user) and then in the integration, the measurements of the fixed box are passed.

language: String

If your InstaBox has multiple languages, you can force the configurator to appear in one of those languages. Just type the language code (two characters), for example "en" for English or "es" for Spanish.

 language: "es", 

disableForm: Boolean

If you have chosen the form (contact form) option, you will see that this form appears when you integrate the configurator.

On some occasions, this won't be a convenient option; for example, if you use the InstaBox as an internal tool (including the contact form) and you want to integrate it into your e-commerce as well, in the second case the contact form would not make sense. It would cut off the correct e-commerce flow. In that case, you can use the disableForm parameter to deactivate the contact form in the integration.

 disableForm: true, 

hiddenSidebar: Boolean

If you want to create a unique integration by adding the inputs and buttons to the layout of your website, you can disable the sidebar of the configurator by setting hiddenSidebar to true.

 hiddenSidebar: true, 

Event Parameters

onFinish: Function

Once the user completes the configuration, the data is saved on the Instabox leads page, but it may be interesting to collect the data, either to show a summary, calculate a price, save in a database , etc.

For this purpose, there is the onFinish parameter (function type), which is executed when the user finishes the configuration by passing a JavaScript object with the configuration data as a parameter.

The object will contain the following values:

  • title: title or name of the product.
  • image: url of the image of the customized product.
  • instaviewer: url of the 3D visualisation of the customised product.
  • pdf: url of the summary pdf with the information chosen in the configuration.
  • artwork: url of the .zip file containing the original graphics and a .pdf file for each part (to which the user has applied at least one graphic) with the position of these files. This value will not be returned if the user has not applied any graphics to the product.
  • sourceFiles: url of the .zip file containing the original graphics uploaded by the user. This value will not be returned if the user has not applied any graphics to the product.
  • dieline: url of the .zip file containing a dieline (.pdf file) for each part of the box.
  • config: JavaScript object that contains the variables, options, and other configuration data.

Like the product reference, the references of the variables, options and dielines will be those specified in the briefing during the setup phase of the configurator.

Example of data returned:
 {  "title": "Product title",  "image": "",  "instaviewer": "",  "pdf": "",  "artwork": "",  "sourceFiles": "",  "dieline": "",  "config": {   "title": "Product title",   "variables": {    "variableReference1": {     "name": {      "en": "Variable 1",      "es": "Variable 1"     },     "value": 100    },    "variableReference2": {     "name": {      "en": "Variable 1",      "es": "Variable 2"     },     "value": 200    },    "_keys": ["variableReference1", "variableReference2"]   },   "options": {    "selectorReference1": {     "name": {      "en": "Selector 1",      "es": "Selector 1"     },     "selected": {      "ref": "optionReference2",      "name": {       "en": "Option 2",       "es": "Opción 2"      }     }    },    "selectorReference2": {     "name": {      "en": "Selector 2",      "es": "Selector 2"     },     "selected": {      "ref": "optionReference4",      "name": {       "en": "Option 4",       "es": "Opción 4"      }     }    },    "_keys": ["selectorReference1", "selectorReference2"]   },   "dielines": {    "dielineReference1": {     "name": {      "en": "Dieline 1",      "es": "Troquel 1"     },     "out": {      "artwork": true,      "artworkPdf": "",      "combinedPdf": ""     },     "in": {      "artwork": false     },     "dieline": ""    },    "dielineReference2": {     "name": {      "en": "Dieline 2",      "es": "Troquel 2"     },     "out": {      "artwork": false     },     "in": {      "artwork": true,      "artworkPdf": "",      "combinedPdf": ""     },     "dieline": ""    },    "_keys": ["dielineReference1", "dielineReference2"]   },   "form": {    "fieldReference1": {     "name": {      "en": "Field",      "es": "Campo"     },     "type": "text",     "value": "Example"    },    "fieldReference2": {     "name": {      "en": "Email",      "es": "Email"     },     "type": "email",     "value": "[email protected]"    },    "fieldReference3": {     "name": {      "en": "Number",      "es": "Número"     },     "type": "number",     "value": "123"    },    "fieldReference4": {     "name": {      "en": "Selector",      "es": "Selector"     },     "type": "select",     "selected": {      "ref": "optionReference1",      "name": {       "en": "Option 1",       "es": "Opción 1"      }     }    },    "fieldReference5": {     "name": {      "en": "Multiple Selector",      "es": "Selector Múltiple"     },     "type": "multiple-select",     "selected": [      {       "ref": "optionReference2",       "name": {        "en": "Option 2",        "es": "Opción 2"       }      },      {       "ref": "optionReference4",       "name": {        "en": "Option 4",        "es": "Opción 4"       }      }     ]    },    "_keys": [     "fieldReference1",     "fieldReference2",     "fieldReference3",     "fieldReference4",     "fieldReference5"    ]   }  } } 

If you do not receive the data with this structure, you should contact us to activate the latest output version.

Example creating the function directly
 onFinish: data => console.log("Configurator data", data), 
Example defining the function and then passing the name in the parameter
 function onFinishHandler(data) {  console.log("Configurator data", data); } // ... onFinish: onFinishHandler, 

onChange: Function

Every time the user makes a change in the configuration, this function is executed by passing as parameter an array with the variables of the box, including the current values and available values in case of selection variables.

Example of a selection variable:
 {  name: "mat",  options: [   {name: "Material 1", value: 0, ref: "optionReference"},   {name: "Material 2", value: 1, ref: "optionReference"},   {name: "Material 3", value: 2, ref: "optionReference"}  ],  publicName: "Material",  ref: "variableReference",  type: "SelectVariable",  value: 0 } 
Example of a numerical variable:
 {  name: "l",  publicName: "Length",  ref: "variableReference",  type: "Variable",  value: 350 } 
Example creating the function directly
 onChange: data => console.log("Box Variables", data), 
Example defining the function and then passing the name in the parameter
 function onChangeHandler(data) {  console.log("Box Variables", data); } // ... onChange: onChangeHandler, 

onArtworkOpened: Function

When the 2D editor is opened, this function is executed

Example creating the function directly
 onArtworkOpened: () => console.log("2D Editor has been opened"), 
Example defining the function and then passing the name in the parameter
 function onArtworkOpenedHandler() {  console.log("2D Editor has been opened"); } // ... onArtworkOpened: onArtworkOpenedHandler, 

onArtworkClosed: Function

When the 2D editor is closed, this function is executed

Example creating the function directly
 onArtworkClosed: () => console.log("2D Editor has been closed"), 
Example defining the function and then passing the name in the parameter
 function onArtworkClosedHandler() {  console.log("2D Editor has been closed"); } // ... onArtworkClosed: onArtworkClosedHandler, 

onError: Function

If the values entered are not valid, the configurator displays an error message and this function is executed passing that error message as a parameter.

Example creating the function directly
 onError: error => console.log("Invalid box", error), 
Example defining the function and then passing the name in the parameter
 function onErrorHandler(error) {  console.log("Invalid box", error); } // ... onError: onErrorHandler, 

Other parameters

debug: Boolean = false

If the debug parameter (default false) is true, it prints (in the console) errors that may occur during the integration process.

It is very useful to activate this mode during the development phase to detect possible problems, but it is recommended to deactivate it in a production environment.

 debug: true, 


open(params, onReady, onError)

To open the configurator manually, the open method must be executed, passing as the first argument a configuration object that contains the productRef parameter

In the open method it is also possible to modify or overwrite any previously defined parameter.

The method is available in the variable created at instantiation time; 

The open method allows you to handle asynchronous loading and error handling. It is possible to do it through callbacks or promises as shown below:

 function onReady() {  console.log("InstaBox is ready"); } function onError(error) {  console.log("InstaBox Error", error); } // callbacks{ productRef: "fefco-0201" }, onReady, onError); // promises{ productRef: "fefco-0201" }).then(onReady).catch(onError); // promises with async/await try {  await{ productRef: "fefco-0201" });  onReady(); } catch (error) {  onError(error); } 


If once the configurator is open we want to give the user the option to exit without finishing, the most logical thing to do is to have some kind of interaction to close the configurator. This is possible by executing the close method which does not take any arguments.

The method is available in the variable created at instantiation time


The changeBoxParams method works similarly to the boxParams parameter, and can be executed by passing an object that will have the variable reference as key and the desired number or option reference as value.

The variable and option references will be those specified in the briefing during the setup phase of the configurator.

If the box had the following variables defined:

  • length: length in mm
  • breadth: width in mm
  • height: height in mm
  • color: cardboard color on each side ["raw-raw", "white-raw", "white-white"]
  • flute: cardboard thickness ["E", "P", "B", "C", "EB", "BC"]

We could send the following object with the changeBoxParams method to change the values dynamically:

 {  length: 320,  breadth: 240,  height: 160,  color: "white-raw",  flute: "B" } 
The method is available in the variable created at instantiation time


The openArtwork method can be used to open the 2D editor, where the user can upload and place graphics on the box.

The openArtwork method has an optional parameter:
  • if no arguments are passed, it opens the 2D editor of the selected dieline.
  • if the dieline reference is passed as an argument, it opens the 2D editor for that specific dieline.
The method is available in the variable created at instantiation time


The closeArtwork method can be used to close the 2D editor.

The method is available in the variable created at instantiation time


The finishConfiguration method can be used to end the configuration at any time.

The method is available in the variable created at instantiation time


The getIframe method can be used to get the iframe for example to add some styling

The method is available in the variable created at instantiation time

Code examples

Things to consider

Different codes are shown below as an example in order to serve as a template and mark a starting point. Code snippets from different examples can be used.

It is important that the values of client and productRef are modified with the values of your configurator. More information can be found in the "Required Parameters" section.

In these examples the value of client will be "trial" and the value of productRef will be "fefco-0201" .

If you want to do integration tests and your configurator is not yet available, you can contact us through [email protected] and ask us for access to the trial.

Example as modal at 80% of the screen

Adding these parameters should show the configurator as a pop-up window at 80% of the screen.

<!-- Include the script --> <script src=""></script> <script>  // Create the instance  const instabox = new Instabox3D({   client: "trial",   productRef: "fefco-0201",   debug: true,   modalWidth: "80vw",   modalHeight: "80vh",   onFinish: data => console.log("Configurator data", data),  }); </script>

Example inside an HTML element

One of the most common cases is to adjust the size of the iframe according to the size of the parent element.

This will be the case in the example shown below, and where:

  • iframeWidth is not defined because it is already 100% by default.
  • iframeHeight: "auto" is defined.
  • display: flex is added to the style of the container element.
<!-- Container HTML element with id and style (including display: flex;) --> <div id="configurator-container" style="width: 75vw; height: 75vh; border: 1px solid black; display: flex;"></div>

<!-- Include the script --> <script src=""></script> <script>  // Create the instance  const instabox = new Instabox3D({   client: "trial",   productRef: "fefco-0201",   debug: true,   modal: false,   containerId: "configurator-container",   iframeHeight: "auto",   onFinish: data => console.log("Configurator data", data),  }); </script>

Example with buttons to open and close

Using the concepts explained above we will implement the integration with buttons to open and close the configurator.

In this case, the productRef parameter will not be passed at instantiation time, but will be passed at the time of executing the open method.

<!-- Button that executes the openInstabox function to open the configurator --> <button onclick="openInstabox()" id="open-btn">Open configurator</button>

<!-- Button that executes the closeInstabox function to close the configurator --> <button onclick="closeInstabox()" id="close-btn" style="position: absolute; top: 1rem; right: 1rem; display: none">  Close configurator </button>

<!-- Include the script --> <script src=""></script> <script>  function openInstabox() {    { productRef: "fefco-0201" },    onInstaboxOpen,    onInstaboxError   );  }  function closeInstabox() {   instabox.close();   document.getElementById("close-btn").style.display = "none";  }  function onInstaboxError(error) {   console.log("InstaBox Error", error);  }  function onInstaboxOpen() {   console.log("InstaBox Opened");   document.getElementById("close-btn").style.display = "block";  }  function onInstaboxFinish(output) {   console.log("Instabox Output", output);   document.getElementById("close-btn").style.display = "none";  }  // Instantiation without productRef so that it does not open the configurator automatically  const instabox = new Instabox3D({   client: "trial",   modalWidth: "80vw",   modalHeight: "80vh",   onFinish: onInstaboxFinish,  });   </script>

Two-way integration example

In this example:

  • An input is added to define the length externally to the configurator
  • The current values of the box are collected to display them in the input
  • A button is added to finish the configuration externally to the configurator
  • A button is added to open and close the 2D editor externally to the configurator
<!-- Container HTML element with id --> <div id="configurator-container" style="width: 75vw; height: 75vh; border: 1px solid black; display: flex"></div>

<!-- Input to modify the length of the box --> <input id="length" type="number" placeholder="Length" onchange="changeBoxLength(this)" />

<!-- Button that opens or closes the 2D editor --> <button id="artwork" onclick="openArtworkEditor()">Open 2D Editor</button>

<!-- Button that executes the finishConfiguration function to finish the configuration --> <button onclick="finishConfiguration()">Finish configuration</button>

<!-- Include the script --> <script src=""></script> <script>  function changeBoxLength(input) {   instabox.changeBoxParams({    length: input.value   });  }  function onBoxChange(data) {   const variable = data.find(variable => === "l");   if (variable) {    document.getElementById("length").value = variable.value;   }  }  function onBoxError(error) {   console.log("Invalid box", error);  }  function openArtworkEditor() {   instabox.openArtwork();  }  function closeArtworkEditor() {   instabox.closeArtwork();  }  function onArtworkOpened() {   const artworkElement = document.getElementById("artwork");   artworkElement.innerHTML = "Close 2D Editor";   artworkElement.onclick = closeArtworkEditor;  }  function onArtworkClosed() {   const artworkElement = document.getElementById("artwork");   artworkElement.innerHTML = "Open 2D Editor";   artworkElement.onclick = openArtworkEditor;  }  function finishConfiguration() {   instabox.finishConfiguration();  }  function onInstaboxFinish(output) {   console.log("Instabox Output", output);  }  // Create the instance  const instabox = new Instabox3D({   client: "trial",   productRef: "fefco-0201",   modal: false,   containerId: "configurator-container",   iframeHeight: "auto",   hiddenSidebar: true,   debug: true,   onChange: onBoxChange,   onError: onBoxError,   onArtworkOpened: onArtworkOpened,   onArtworkClosed: onArtworkClosed,   onFinish: onInstaboxFinish,  }); </script>

Migrating from v3.3.0 to v4.0.0

Include the new script

Replace the old script with the one shown below:

 <script src=""></script>

openArtwork Method

Now you can pass the dieline reference on the openArtwork method to open the 2D Editor of that specific dieline.

New output data in onFinish callback

For more information see the section "onFinish: Function"

Variable and option references in boxParams parameter and changeBoxParams method

Now the object have the variable reference as key and the desired number or option reference as value.

For more information see sections "boxParams: Object" and "changeBoxParams(config)"


If you have any problems during the integration or migration process, do not hesitate to contact us through [email protected]